Nyota (Span cross)
Nyota (Span cross)
Ground nut (Arachis hypogeae L.)
Mwaka wa Usajili
Registrant / Applicant
ARI Naliendele
Production Altitude and Range
< 1500
Maeneo Yanayo Faa
Mtwara, Lindi, Morogoro, Pwani, Tanga
Grain Yield
Distinctive Characters
Stem branching: sequential ,Stem hairiness: scarce,Laateral branches habbit: non-distichous,Leaf colour: light green
Leaflet shape: cunoate,Leaflet hairiness: sparce and short,Length of reproductive branch: short
Flower colour: yellow,Days to 50 % flowering:38, Pod break: slight,Pod constriction: slightSeed colour: small, Growth habbit: small seeds light
Special Attributes
Tolerant to Cercospora leaf spots